Newsletter - 29th July 2010

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Today's top stories

Improved hardware sales help PlayStation business stem losses

07:37 - PS3 console and game sales up significantly for Sony in first quarter

Nintendo records Q1 loss of ¥25bn

08:44 - Appreciation of yen blamed with overseas accounting for 87% of sales; DS hardware and software sales also down

3DS date, cost unveiled in September

10:11 - Nintendo reveals all on the 29th - are Mar 2011 and $249 rumours true?

Today's feature

The PopCap Plan

Lee Cash visits the games company's European HQ to learn more about the rise of casual

The rest of today's news

Capcom profits tank 90%

12:06 - Lost Planet 2 and other console games fail to do the business for publisher

Report: XBLA earned $46m in 2010 so far

12:18 - 13% year-on-year growth, claim FADE analysts, with Toy Soldiers the best-seller

SPIL partners with VZ Network

11:10 - Making games for Germany's biggest social network - and plans similar deals

Sports Interactive developing dedicated Asian football title

10:25 - Teams with Korea's KTH for Football Manager Online

Realtime Worlds goes social with Project: MyWorld

09:41 - Google, Nintendo inspires new game from APB creator


Hot job:

Audio Director/Lead Audio Designer (contract) (Aardvark Swift) - London, South East, England

Recent features

Gamigo's Ralph Frefat

The rise of online games, and why a ?10 million investment could move the goalposts

Blizzard's Mike Ryder

As StarCraft II launches globally, the VP of International talks social gaming, Activision, audience expectancies and digital vs retail

Eidos Montreal's Stephane D'Astous

The GM discusses collaborating with Square Enix on Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Bang for Buck in the Brave New World

Paul Durrant explains the thinking behind the Abertay-run national innovation grants

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