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Treasure Isle releases new Pirate Cove maps

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 06:10 PM PDT

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Treasure Isle have been teasing us for some time by not only showing the Pirate Cove as a locked area for the last few weeks, but also posting on their wall about how the pirates are coming soon. Tonight, the mystery is revealed, and the first set of Pirate Cove maps have been unveiled. There are 7 maps in total for right now, and the list of maps is as follows:

Sharky's Village
Brigand's Cove - 11 Island Cash
Monkey's Gold - 7 Island Cash
The Great Battle - Requires Level 75
Shiverin' Shores
Pirate Pub

Players are likely to be upset, because the last time Treasure Isle required Island Cash to unlock maps, it caused quite the uproar. Generally, games only charge for items that allow cosmetic upgrades or small tweaks to improve the game experience. Actually gating game progression by requiring players to pay? That is unlikely to win Treasure Isle some fans. Either way, we're sure people will be shelling out cash to experience these maps.

Have you paid for the pirate maps? Are they worth the money?


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New FarmVille Puppy: Shiba Inu

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 06:05 PM PDT

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FarmVille Shiba Inu Notice

Tonight June 30th the new Shiba Inu Puppy was added to the FarmVille Market. We had previously let you know this puppy may be coming as we posted the unreleased images of it just a few days ago.

This new puppy is available for 65$FV and comes in Brown, Black and White. And will help you 'fetch things' when fully grown.

"inu is the Japanese word for dog...the word shiba means "brushwood" in Japanese, and refers to a type of tree or shrub whose leaves turn red in the fall.This "inu is the Japanese word for dog...the word shiba means "brushwood" in Japanese, and refers to a type of tree or shrub whose leaves turn red in the fall.This leads some to believe that the Shiba was named with this in mind, either because the dogs were used to hunt in wild shrubs, or because the most common color of the Shiba Inu is a red color similar to that of the shrubs. However, in an old Nagano dialect, the word shiba also had the meaning of "small", thus this might be a reference to the dog's small size.Therefore, the Shiba Inu is sometimes translated as "Little Brushwood Dog." (Source: Wikipedia)

FarmVille Shiba Inu

This article originally appeared on FarmVille Freak.


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Mafia Wars: Build cars extra fast in the new Gone in 60 Hours Event

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 05:54 PM PDT

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mafia wars gone in 60 hours

Mafia Wars' Gone in 60 Hours limited time event has started, and for the next few days, you'll be able to build cars twice as faast and collect double the car parts when completing jobs and fighting. You'll also be able to bild the Future Shock 1985, a nod to the time-traveling DeLorean from 'Back to the Future.' What mafia car collection could be complete without that? Not mine.

This event also comes with extra construction parts that will help level up your Chop Shop faster, including 10 of each: cement blocks, power tools, car lift, acetylene torch and shipping containers. Not a bad deal if you've been wanting to level up your Chop Shop, but haven't been able to yet.


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New FarmVille Thank You Gift Option

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 05:53 PM PDT

farville thank you gift changes

In tonight's FarmVille updates a slight change was made to bonus accepting. You will now have the option to send a Thank You Gifts to your Neighbors after accepting, Adoptable Animals, Fuel, Free Xp, Foals and Calves among other items on from the Facebook homefeed.

If you would like, you can now click on the 'Yes and Send Thank You Gift" option which will take you directly to the Free Gift section, allowing you to send that person a Free Gift in return for whatever item you collected from them.

FarmVille Thank You Gifts

This potentially could be a big improvement to the the game for those looking for or needing Free Gifts. For example, farmers could put a message in a Facebook bonus post letting their neighbors know what gift they are currently in need of, and with just a few clicks neighbors can receive a Foal (or whatever bonus it was) and help their neighbor out! In the end making all farmers happy.

What do you think of this new option? Will you now be asking for gifts via your Facebook bonus posts rather than with a FarmVille Wish list?

This article originally appeared on FarmVille Freak.


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FarmVille Brown and Blue Mystery Box (6/30): Find out what's inside *spoiler*

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 05:36 PM PDT

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A new Mystery Box was released to the FarmVille Market on June 30, 2010.

This Mystery Box costs 16 FV$ and will be available in the FarmVille Market during the next 6 days only.This box is outdoor themed and contains "outdoor" themed prizes.

FarmVille Outdoor Mystery Crate

You may recognize this box as it was featured on FarmVille Freak as a previously unreleased item.

:::Spoiler Alert:::

The following are confirmed prizes for this Mystery Box:

* Wolf Cub, 250 XP
* Chipmunk, 150 XP
* Saloon, 450 XP
* Campsite, 500 XP
* Gold Rush Cabin, 500 XP

What prize did you receive in this Mystery Box (June 30th)? Send pics of your prizes to and we will feature them on FarmVille Freak.

FarmVille Freak Esteban's Forest Campsite, Wolf Cub, & Bear

FarmVille Freak Taylor's Chipmunks

FarmVille Freak Alex's Saloon

FarmVille Freak Faith's Gold Rush Cabin

* Wolf Cub, 250 XP
* Chipmunk, 150 XP
* Saloon, 450 XP
* Campsite, 500 XP
* Gold Rush Cabin, 500 XP

What prize did you receive in this Mystery Box (June 30th)? Send pics of your prizes to and we will feature them on FarmVille Freak.

FarmVille Freak Esteban's Forest Campsite, Wolf Cub, & Bear

FarmVille Freak Taylor's Chipmunks

FarmVille Freak Alex's Saloon

FarmVille Freak Faith's Gold Rush Cabin

This article originally appeared on FarmVille Freak.


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New Permanent FarmVille Crop: Purple Pod Peas

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 05:31 PM PDT

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farmville purple pod peas
Recently many permanent or masterable crops have been added to the FarmVille Market, tonight Purple Pod Peas are the 61st!
To grow Purple Pods you must have first mastered the Pea crop.

Purple Pod Peas:

Cost: 210 coins
Harvest Time: 1 Day
Xp: 3

To obtain the first star of Purple Pod Pea mastery you must harvest 525 plots.

This article originally appeared on FarmVille Freak.


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FarmVille iPhone's new exclusive items: Silver Pony, Rainbow Apple Cart, Rainbow Apple Barrel

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 04:35 PM PDT

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farmville iphone exclusive items

Log into FarmVille on the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad this evening, and you'll find a handful of exclusive new items to send to your fellow on-the-go farmers, including the Silver Pony, Rainbow Apple Cart and giftable Rainbow Apple Barrel.


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Mafia Wars catches on to the 'Icing' trend

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 10:00 AM PDT

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mafia wars iced

Looks like Mafia Wars has caught on the 'Icing' trend. Now, when you kill someone during a fight in the game, you get a new notification that says "You Iced Your Opponent." You also have the option to share your victory with friends, by offering them a Liquid Courage boost, which increases their attack skill by 44 during their next fight.

Though I'm sure Zynga would deny it, this is clearly a nod at Icing -- a silly prank that started in dorm rooms and has made its way to corporate America (which means it's already waaay past the point of being cool.) The prank/game/whatever works like this: If a person is presented with a Smirnoff Ice, they must drop on one knee and chug the entire thing. That is, unless the presentee happens to 'block' the Icing, by carrying a Smirnoff Ice of their own. Then the person who initiated the Icing has to drop and chug. To refuse will bring a pox upon your house or some other kind of karmic badness.

Icings have been well documented on (which has since been shut down by party poopers at Diageo, Smirnoff's parent company) and I've also had the pleasure of getting Iced, and well, let's just say I won't be drinking any of Smirnoff's alco-pop, well, ever again.

Good to see that the bros behind the scenes at Mafia Wars are keeping their fingers on the pulse of America ... or at least wrapped around a cold bottle of a malt beverage.


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FrontierVille glitch: The 'Lost Sheep' pop-up window that won't go away

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 09:30 AM PDT

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frontierville move lost sheep glitch

While playing FrontierVille today, I ran across an annoying glitch in the beginning of the game. After finding and moving my lost sheep, a pop-up window appeared, informing me that I just scored 20 Food, 10XP and that I can share experience points with friends. After clicking the 'Share Experience' button, the window goes away.

Everything seems normal, right? That is, until this same pop-up window keeps appearing every time the game launches, no matter how many times I click the 'Skip' or 'Share Experience' button. I'm starting to feel like Bill Murray in 'Groundhog Day.'

Anyone else run across this problem? Are there any other big glitches everyone should know about? Leave a note in the comments below.


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Wild Ones Weapon Mystery Packs deliver weapon bundles

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 08:49 AM PDT

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wild ones weapon mystery packs
There's a new way to load up on ammunition in Wild Ones and it comes in the form of Weapon Mystery Packs. For Wild Ones addicts who may have refrained from becoming members, these Weapon Mystery Packs may present a viable alternative.
wild ones weapon mystery packs
Weapon Mystery Packs can be purchased in the Wild Ones store for Facebook Credits. The contents are random but one thing can be certain: you'll definitely receive a good bang for your buck. In return for sacrificing the option to choose what weapons you purchase, you receive more ammunition.

The Wild Ones Weapon Mystery Packs can be found in the store at the bottom right under the "Combos" section (where the Maps - Coming soon section used to be):
wild ones mystery weapon packs
  • $15 of Ammo for 99 Facebook Credits
  • $30 of Ammo for 198 Facebook Credits
  • $40 of Ammo for 198 Facebook Credits (requires membership)

So while the best deal requires that you be a Wild Ones Member, there are other options. Also worth mentioning is that only the membership Mystery Weapon Pack will include members-only weapons.

On the other hand, all the Mystery Weapon Packs will have a chance of including new weapons. The new weapons are the carp, mallet, harpoon and chainsaw! To the right you can see the chainsaw going about its business. Clearly, you do not want your Wild Ones pet to be on the receiving end of that nasty tool. You're probably also dying to get your mitts on one of your own.

Head to Wild Ones to check out the Mystery Weapon packs and if you're not stingy like me, maybe purchase one.

Click here to play Wild Ones>


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Happy Pets Pandora Pig, Ferret and Dog given free to dedicated players

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 06:40 AM PDT

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happy pets pig happy pets ferret happy pets dog
Dedicated Happy Pets players who sign in daily will be rewarded with all new Pandora pets.

According to the Happy Pets Facebook fanpage, "Just log in everyday for 14 days and receive a FREE Pandora Pig, a Pandora Ferret on the 21 day, and a Pandora Dog on the 28 day."

So what are you waiting for, all you need to do is load up Happy Pets to begin your quest for three cute, blue, spotty Pandora Pets.

Click here to play Happy Pets>


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Happy Pets Dino Den and Dinosaurs let players create their own Jurassic Park

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 05:47 AM PDT

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happy pets dino den
Happy Pets has unleashed a new set of animals to inhabit your homes. Only these animals have been extinct for millions of years. That's right, dinosaurs are now available at the Happy Pets store for purchase. The best part is, though the Dinos don't come cheap, most of them can be bought with Happy Pets Coins.

Continue Reading to see all the new dinosaurs and discover how to own one.happy pets dino den

Owning a dinosaur in Happy Pets requires a few steps, the most important being the Dino Den. The Dino Den costs 800 Coins in the Happy Pets store and is a crucial requirement for buying a dinosaur.

Once you buy it you'll need to collect 80 parts to finish its construction. Ten torches, cement bags, hammers, drills, rocks, rivets, I-beams, and shovels are required. To get these parts, you'll need to enlist your friends, asking them to send you the various parts (pictured below).

You may also skip that process and complete the Dino Den instantly for 320 Facebook Credits.
happy pets dino den
Once complete, you'll receive a free Green Triceratops and finally unlock the ability to purchase Dinos. While there are just two different species: the T-Rex and the Triceratops, they are available in a variety of colors including once with a rather familiar head of hair. See below for prices.
happy pets dinosaur happy pets dinosaur happy pets dinosaur happy pets dinosaur
happy pets dinosaur happy pets dinosaur happy pets dinosaur happy pets dinosaur
happy pets dinosaur happy pets dinosaur happy pets dinosaur happy pets dinosaur
happy pets dinosaur happy pets dinosaur
  • White Triceratops - 37,795 Coins
  • White T-Rex - 37,795 Coins
  • Grey Triceratops - 39,795 Coins
  • Grey T-Rex - 39,795 Coins
  • Brown Triceratops - 41,795 Coins
  • Brown T-Rex - 41,795 Coins
  • Red Triceratops - 58 Facebook Credits
  • Red T-Rex - 58 Facebook Credits
  • Black Triceratops - 38 Facebook Credits
  • Black T-Rex - 38 Facebook Credis
  • Teal Triceratops - 68 Facebook Credits
  • Teal T-Rex - 68 Facebook Credits
  • Mr. T-Rex - 52 Facebook Credits (We had a chuckle when we saw Mr. T-Rex sporting Mr. T's famous hairstyle.)

I think the dinosaurs make for a pretty swell addition to Happy Pets. It's definitely worth making the effort to finish the Dino Den just because in the end, it's all free! Sure it'll take a little effort, but imagine having a T-Rex stomping around, blowing fire among your dogs and cats. Crazy stuff. Head over to Happy Pets to check it out for yourself.

Click here to play Happy Pets>


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New Collectibles In YoVille Furniture Store

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 04:14 AM PDT

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Two new collectibles were added to YoVille. Head to the Furniture Store and get a cool cosmopolitan galss for 32 YoCash. More than one person can sit in this unique tub. For coins, an animated whack a mole a was added . Get one for 16,995 coins. These two items will be available for 13 days only.

All previous collectibles were removed. You can find a list of every YoVille collectible in our item database.

Which collectible are you going to buy?

This article originally appeared on YoVille Lounge.


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YoVille Fourth of July Fireworks now available

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 03:30 AM PDT

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yoville fourth of july fireworks4th of July fireworks and Pool Party Floatable Toys have been released in YoVille at the Furniture Store. These holiday items are available for a limited time only! Fireworks range from 2-3 YoCash while Floatable toys will cost you 6 YoCash.Get your bright colored fireworks and floatable toys to decorate your pool today while they are hot! Check the complete array of items after the jump!
yoville fourth of julyyoville fourth of julyyoville fourth of julyyoville fourth of july
yoville fourth of july
This article originally appeared on YoVille Lounge.


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Pet Society Enchanted Forest

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 03:00 AM PDT

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pet society enchanted forest
This gorgeous scene comes from Ivy, who says that she loves digging in Pet Society's Enchanted Forest. She's finished getting the Enchanted Fountain and a pair of pink wings. She reports that the fountain sparkles and that the wings can flap. We think the wings, white dress and dyed Anime wig make a stunning combo.

Below are some more Enchanted Forest items from my own digs: the Hot Air Balloon, Mushrooms (the ones on the right), and Pixie Forest floor. After I saw that most of these items were in shades of pink and purple, I made a special psychedelic room for everything that I owned in these colors.
pet society anonymous
The Romantic Pixie wig, Pixie dress, and Pixie shoes are also from the Enchanted Forest. I know that they look awful on Sushi, but sometimes I like to torture him with these ridiculous outfits. It's not easy being a model!

This article originally appeared on Pet Society Anonymous.


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Michael Jackson remembered by Pet Society players

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 02:30 AM PDT

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pet society michael jackson"Hey, look! It's Michael Jackson! No, wait, it's my Pet Society pet, Richard Jackson!" writes Anza. This is such a great picture and a nice way to commemorate Michael Jackson, who died a year ago today. I wish Playfish had released a sparkly white glove for this week!

If you're a fan of Michael, has a great site about him. Netflix also released the movie, "This is It." It's available on Instant Play.

I admit, I wasn't a big fan of Michael when he was alive. His various scandals and weird facial transformations made it embarrassing to admit that you were a fan. But after he died, and radio stations played his music over and over, I found myself singing along. It made me realize how important his work had been.
When you had something to celebrate, Michael Jackson was most likely there. He was there with you during birthday parties, wedding receptions, and those nights at a club when you were trying to meet someone cute. Whether you realized it or not, he was there for so many moments of your life. And even if you didn't meet anyone cute at the club, you still had a pretty good time dancing to "Thriller."

This article originally appeared on Pet Society Anonymous.


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Pet Society: The Power of Pink in Pet Society and Beyond

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 02:00 AM PDT

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pet society pink
Pink used to be my favorite color when I was like, seven. It probably came from my mother's influence. She liked feminine, flirty things and dressed me up in all shades of pink-creamy pink, rosy pink, hot neon pink. The carpet in my childhood room was a cotton candy pink.

By the time I was in college, I had abandoned pink in favor of dark, moody colors. Every time I visited my mother, I couldn't stand going into my old room, let alone sleep in it. The carpet had taken on a grayish tone, and reminded me of a pig's intestines. I didn't wear pink for many, many years.
pet society pink
Now, I am finding myself slowly returning to pink. This past winter, I kept warm in a fuschia cap (see the About page). In the spring, I bought a fitted shirt from Banana Republic in a very light pink. It's the standard white business shirt, except it's not white. Banana calls the color "Blissful Lavendar." It's barely pink; it whispers pink.

I love this. It's become my go-to shirt for days when I have an important meeting and I need to impress. I want to buy six more of these and wear them every day... that's how much I love this shirt.

My Pet Society pet Sushi, however, still reflects my teenage rebellion stage. He looks best in blue or black. He is not built for pink. He hates pink and thinks these new items he dug out of the Enchanted Forest make him look like a third-rate drag queen trying to be Marie Antoinette. And he is so above that. He deserves better.

This article originally appeared on
Pet Society Anonymous.


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Earn Cafe World incentives for playing FarmVille

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 01:30 AM PDT

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farmville cafe world free spices
Still playing Cafe World? If you are still cooking and maintaining your farm, you can now earn incentives in Cafe World just for playing FarmVille.

By completing some common tasks in FarmVille such as harvesting your crops, you can earn items in Cafe World like the Premium Spices or parts for your Spice Rack.

FarmVille Freak Craig Horikawa experienced the following notice in Cafe World.
farmville cafe world
This article originally appeared on FarmVille Freak.


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YoVille Fourth of July Items coming soon

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 01:15 AM PDT

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yoville fourth of july
With July 4th approaching get ready for some awesome items to decorate and celebrate with that are on their way to YoVille! Expect to see some fireworks, patio furniture, decorations and more!! We'll be releasing these items very soon so you can get your house all decked out and ready for you to celebrate this upcoming holiday.Throw a party or BBQ at your place and show off all of the Red, White and Blue Don't forget to get to light off those fireworks and watch them go!! Above is a little sneak peek at some of these items that are coming soon to YoVille!

Well folks that's about all so keep your eyes out for these awesome items in store very very soon. Stay tuned and have fun!

- Platinum Ninja

This is an official post by Zynga's Platinum Ninja.

This article originally appeared on YoVille Lounge.


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FarmVille Experiencing Technical Issues Tonight

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 01:00 AM PDT

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farmville technical issuesZynga's FarmVille Community Manager Lexilicious announced via the official FarmVille forum that FarmVille is experiencing technical issues.

These technical issues explain why many farmers are experiencing white, blank loading screens, out of sync errors and general difficulty accessing FarmVille. Perhaps this explains the delay in tonight's updates.

From Lexilicious:
"Hi Folks,

FarmVille has been experiencing some technical difficulties that have been resulting in some users experiencing white screens, loading issues and Out of Sync errors.

We are working on resolving these issues as quickly as possible and we would like to thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

We ask that you please refrain from creating additional threads about these issues to avoid excess spamming of the boards.

If you have an Out Of Sync issue to report, please post here:

If you are experiencing white screens when playing FarmVille, please post here:

If you have a loading issue to report, please post here:

Thanks everyone!" (Source: FarmVille Forum)
This article originally appeared on FarmVille Freak.


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