The 12 iPad Launch Games We're Most Excited About [Ipad]
The iPad games are live on iTunes now — more than 700 of them. We may not have an iPad, but it doesn't mean we are not excited about the following (sorta expensive) games: MORE >>
iPad Games: The Ultimate Gamer's Guide to Apple's iPad [UPDATED] [Ipad]
Slim, sexy and packed with a library of games, the iPad is shaping up to be a powerful contender in the eyes and for the fingers of gamers. (We'll be updating this daily, so bookmark it now) MORE >>
Suspected Game Code Thief Surrenders to Authorites [Crime]
Justin D. May, wanted after skipping bail on charges that he tried to swipe early code of a video game at the Penny Arcade Expo, plans to appear in Boston courts in May, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office tells Kotaku. MORE >>
Announcing Koticku [Activision]
Today, I'm excited to announce that Activision Blizzard is making a strategic investment into a new and exciting space, video game enthusiast press blogging, with the acquisition of Kotaku, formerly a Gawker Media property, now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Activision Publishing. MORE >>
iPad Reviewers Have Three Things To Say About Video Games [Apple]
The first people to review Apple's iPad have said much about much, but little about video games — except for Scrabble, which they love. As an addendum to your favorite iPad review cheat-sheet, here's what reviewers said about iPad gaming. MORE >>
Have Video Games And Computer Graphics Killed Puppets? [Puppets]
If you grew up in the 1980s or before, chances are puppets delighted and frightened you. Later generations have become increasingly exposed to computer graphic creations. That's the norm. And puppets.... MORE >>
Your April Fool's Survival Guide [Update] [April1]
Oh dear. It's now April 1, making this officially the worst day of the year for all things internet. Over the next 24 hours things might get a little rough. But it's OK. We can get through this. Together. MORE >>
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